
Go to www.assistexpo.ca/perthfair to easily create an account and submit your entry form
The 2025 theme is: All things Maple
Entries on this page require tags
Please note Rules Governing the Perth Fair. They pertain to all classes. Please read them carefully.
Committee: Jeannie Seguin 613-267-4104
The O.A.A.S. Quilts (1 hand quilted and 1
machine quilted) will be chosen from the first
prize winners (which meet the criteria) in
Sections 1 AND 2. The exhibitor will need to
agree to have the quilt considered. The chosen
quilt/quilts become 'Best in Show'. Winner
agrees to compete at the District 2 level Annual
meeting in November, 2024. The winner from our
district competes at the OAAS convention in
Toronto in February 2025.
If no Quilts meet the criteria for the O.A.A.S.
competition, Best in Show will be chosen by the
For complete competition eligibility, rules and
regulations visit www.ontariofairs.com
All work must be clean and appear new. Old
and soiled work will not be judged. All work
must be free from distinct/strong odours.
Articles exhibited this year may only be
brought back next year if entered in a different
Articles not adhering to the specifications
stated in the prize list and regulations books
will be disqualified
Preference given to theme related articles
Machine quilted refers to domestic or longarm
PRIZE MONEY (Sections 1-7)
1st $25.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd $15.00
1. Quilt, appliquéd, pieced or embroidered, hand quilted.
​Quilts in this category must be greater than 324” perimeter and meet OAAS criteria. OAAS Quilt Competition: The winner in this category agrees to compete at the District 2 level annual meeting in November, 2025. The winner of District 2 then competes at the OAAS convention in Toronto in February, 2026.
2. Quilt, appliquéd, pieced or embroidered, machine quilted. (domestic or long arm)
Quilts in this category must be greater than 324” perimeter and meet OAAS criteria. OAAS Quilt Competition: The winner in this category agrees to compete at the District 2 level annual meeting in November, 2025. The winner of District 2 then competes at the OAAS convention in Toronto in February, 2026. Quilts in this category must be greater than 324” perimeter and meet OAAS criteria.
3. Quilt, pieced and long arm quilted by exhibitor
Any design, any size.
4. Quilt, pieced and quilted on a domestic machine by exhibitor
Any design, any size.
5. Quilt, pieced by exhibitor and commercially long arm quilted.
Any design, any size. Quilter named on entry tag.
6. Quilt, worked on by 2 or more persons or a community group, hand quilted or tied
Any design, any size.
7. Quilt, worked on by 2 or more persons or a community groups, machine quilted Domestic or long arm.
May be commercially quilted. If so, quilter named.
8. My first quilt. (Junior Quilters only: Aged 15 and under)
Any size, any method, (may be a printed panel) hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm). Must be made within the last 2 years.
(Sponsored by the Lanark County Quilters Guild)
9. My first quilt. (All ages)
Any size, any method, (may be a printed panel) hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm). Must be made within the last 2 years.
10. 3-yard Quilt
Any size – hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm)
11. 5-yard Quilt
Any size – hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm)
12. One Block Wonder Quilt.
Any size – hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm)
13. Art Quilt. Using thread painting.
Max size 36”X54”
14. Lap quilt or throw quilt.
Any design, hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm. May be commercially long arm quilted. If so, quilter named
15. Crib quilt, any design
(except not using a panel), hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm).
16. Crib quilt, made using a printed panel
Hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm).
17. Quilt, made using a panel.
Lap or full-size quilt (not a crib quilt) hand quilted or machine quilted (domestic or long arm).
18. Wall hanging.
Hand or machine quilted (domestic or long arm), ready to hang.
19. Quilt block pieced-Maple Leaf
No larger than 18” in any direction, square or rectangle. Block to be mounted on cardboard or Bristol board Attach one edge only so back may be judged.
20. Quilt block appliquéd-Maple Leaf
No larger than 18” in any direction, square or rectangle. Block to be mounted on cardboard or Bristol board
Attach one edge only so back may be judged.
21. Small article using ‘Quilt As You Go’ method.
22. Quilt top, to be finished
23. Quilted placemat-Community Project – 1 placemat
(size 11”X16”) Hand or machine quilted
Will be donated to the Lanark County Quilters Guild Outreach Program who will then donate to a local charity. (Prizes in this category sponsored by the Lanark County Quilters Guild)
24. Quilted table runner
Hand or machine quilted
25. Quilted bag
Hand or machine quilted
26. Quilted Christmas item
Hand or machine quilted
27. Quilted postcard
Hand or machine quilted
Viewers Choice
$25.00 Gift Certificate
Sponsored by: Sew Crafty, Rideau Ferry
Most Points in Quilts
$30 Gift Certificate
Sponsored by: Happy Wife Quilting
2nd Most Points
$25 Gift Certificate
Sponsored by: Perth Fabrics and Crafts
3rd Most Points
$20 Gift Certificate
Sponsored by: Happy Wife Quilting
Judge's Choice
$25.00 Gift Certificate
Sponsored by : Happy Wife Quilting