Canine All-Stars
Date: Saturday, September 2 - 11:30 am, 1:30 pm & 4 pm, Sunday, September 3 - 11 am, 1:30 pm & 3:30 pm
Infield area
Chairman: Laura Cox 613-466-0644
The WOOFJOCKS Canine All Stars are a skilled group of dogs and handlers who stage an exciting, educational and fun variety show. Visit www.woofjocks.com for more information
Following the Sunday, 11am show, local dog owners are invited to bring their dogs to a WJ Fun-gility Training Camp with the WOOFJOCK trainers to learn some WOOFJOCK skills. Is your dog as skilled as a WOOFJOCK?
This is a fun activity, allowing participants the opportunity to learn from experienced trainers
Dogs are to be registered on the day of the show.
Open to anyone over the age of 12 years
Dogs must respond appropriately to basic commands
All dogs must be controlled by owner on a leash, or in a container designed to transport animals at all times while on the fairgrounds. All owners must bring their own plastic bags for poop and scoop purposes.
Please see the training camp requirements if you wish to participate in the camp.